Kettlebell Russian Twist – Exercise of the Week

21 May 2019

The kettlebell Russian twist is a very popular exercise to target and train both your abdominal and oblique muscles (your obliques are the muscles on the outer side of your abdominals). Like the name suggests, the exercise uses a twisting and rotating movement. By gripping a kettlebell in your hands while doing so, it forces your muscles to support the weight as you continuously move from side to side.

kettlebell russian twsit exercise being completed by a male gym goer lying on a wooden floor with a kettlebell gripped by both hands

Kettlebell Russian Twist

kettlebell russian twsit exercise being completed by a male gym goer lying on a wooden floor with a kettlebell gripped by both hands

To begin, you may want to put an exercise mat down on the floor. Sit on the exercise mat and hold the handle of a kettlebell with both hands. Note that as with any new exercises you are completing, you should always begin with a weight that you can manage comfortably before you build up to using heavier weights. Lean slightly backwards and cross your legs at the ankles. You can choose to either raise your feet slightly – or keep them on the floor. It is important to keep your core braced throughout this exercise. To do so, imagine you were about to be punched in the stomach and you would brace yourself. Keep this tesne bracing while also remembering to breathe!

kettlebell russian twsit exercise being completed by a male gym goer lying on a wooden floor with a kettlebell gripped by both hands

Turn your torso to the left side and bring the kettlebell with you to the side in your hands. Make sure that just your torso moves here and that your legs and full body do not also turn. As you return your torso to the middle / starting position, continue turning all the way to the right side. This is then one repetition (rep) complete. Repeat the movement and work on getting into a rhythm and tempo with it. You can choose to keep the kettlebell aloft in the air; or some prefer to have it touch the ground on each side as they twist between the left and right sides. As with any exercise or piece of gym equipment, please feel free to ask any of our friendly fitness team for advice and demonstrations on how to complete any exercise correctly! They can also advise you as to how many sets and reps to complete to help you reach and maintain your health and fitness goals.

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