Coronavirus Safety

Since the onset of the pandemic we established a task force (including a team of leading hygiene and safety experts) who have been working tirelessly on a comprehensive re-opening and operating strategy. This plan builds upon Westpark's already recognised high standards of health, safety, and cleanliness - and takes them to the highest level for the safety of all.

We wanted to make you aware that things will not be as they were prior to the COVID-19 outbreak. Since the onset of the pandemic and with each of the lockdown periods, we have always been upskilling, upgrading and working hard to re-open in the safest way possible each time. We do this with the aim to accommodate the maximum number of people while still following government guidelines. Our members and our community are the heart of Westpark Fitness and we wanted to reassure you that we take every precaution necessary to ensure your confidence in our ability to keep you safe, happy and healthy. We appreciate that things are chaotic and ever changing at the moment; but we are in unprecedented times yet we are determined to rebuild Westpark Fitness for our members and our community. We truly appreciate your patience and understanding.

coronavirus safety at westpark fitness gym in tallaght

In addition to existing continuous cleaning protocols; we have added a rigorous, deep-cleaning and disinfecting process throughout the day and overnight. Designated areas of the club will be sectioned off during the day to facilitate deep cleaning. We have increased the size of our hygiene team as well as asking all staff and members to help support these rigorous cleaning protocols. Members will be asked to use thr blue tissue roll and disinfectant spray on equipment before and after use in addition to our own Westpark Fitness cleaning protocols. Our disinfectant spray is approved for use against COVID-19 and is proven to kill 99.99% of bacteria, viruses and fungi on equipment while having the safest toxicity rating. Disinfectant sprays will be available throughout the club.

coronavirus safety at westpark fitness gym in tallaght

Scanless check-in and plexiglass barriers will allow for safe and seamless entry to the club. Medical-grade disinfectants, which are designated effective against the COVID-19 virus, will be used for all continuous and deep-cleaning processes. Members will be asked to use hand sanitiser when entering the club and frequently throughout their visit. The hand sanitiser solution kills up to 99.9% of germs and includes 67% ethyl alcohol – above and beyond the guidelines of 60%. Hand sanitiser will be available at various touchless stations throughout the club. We will also be introducing next generation handheld and back-pack foggers (for use by our maintenance team) that efficiently attack microbes. These provide three times more coverage in the same amount of time than traditional efforts. This equipment will also be used to fully disinfect lockers and group fitness equipment between use.


Children under 16 must be a member of Westpark Fitness and should be accompanied by an adult at all times. Children swim times are from 9am – 6pm.

coronavirus safety at westpark fitness gym in tallaght

Our team of staff are provided with face coverings, which they will be required to wear in the club at all times. Members are requested to wear a mask when entering the club, when exiting the club and when within two metres of others (you do not have to wear a face covering while exercising as long are you are at least two metres away from anyone else, otherwise it is required to be worn).

coronavirus safety at westpark fitness gym in tallaght

Scanless check-in and plexiglass barriers will allow for safe and seamless entry to the club. A one way system will be in operation in the club, please follow the arrows.

coronavirus safety at westpark fitness gym in tallaght

So members can give each other enough space, physical distancing cues will be marked in the studios and areas, locker rooms and on the strength (weights) and cardio floors. Physical distancing signs will show which equipment is available for use and signs will be placed throughout the areas to remind members to wipe down equipment before and after use and to practice this physical distancing.

coronavirus safety at westpark fitness gym in tallaght

Scanless check-in and plexiglass barriers will allow for safe and seamless entry to the club. A one way system will be in operation in the club, please follow the arrows.


We had frozen all direct debits as part of our closure and these restarted from Monday the 7th of June 2021 – each member will have received an e-mail. Our membership team is back in the office now and they will be available to deal with your enquiries (e-mail In the meantime please see the following answers to the most common questions we have received:

• All memberships / payments have been frozen, so you were not paying while we are closed.

• All prepaid and annual memberships will be extended to accommodate the time we have been closed.

coronavirus safety at westpark fitness gym in tallaght

To ensure physical distancing, we will limit capacity for all fitness classes. Advance booking through the Westpark Fitness app will be required to attend all classes. Studios and class areas will be open ten minutes before the class is due to begin. Members will be asked to use hand sanitiser before entering the class space. All group fitness classes, including group cycling and Myzone classes, will be designed to facilitate distance between members. Our team will set up the studio beforehand with equipment. If a member requires other equipment, a team member will be available to assist. Only team members will be permitted in the equipment area. All classes will be booked through the Westpark Fitness app or by calling reception. Markings on the floor will show each pod for members to use (where applicable for some classes). The equipment you use must be wiped down before and after each class. We will allow thirty minutes between group fitness classes for disinfecting of the class space and all equipment too. All members must carry a towel at all times. Towels should be used instead of shared mats in the studios, class areas and gym floors.

coronavirus safety at westpark fitness gym in tallaght

All equipment must be wiped down using the disinfectant sprays and blue tissue roll (we have this readily available in multiple places across the gym floors) before and after use. Please do not hog equipment, move on once the set is completed. All members must carry a towel with them at all times.

Equipment will be spaced out at each site to allow for appropriate distancing and cleanliness.

coronavirus safety at westpark fitness gym in tallaght

While the changing rooms, showers and lockers will be available for use – we encourage members to please arrive to the club in their workout gear and shower at home afterwards instead if posible. Any available lockers will be clearly marked to maintain physical distancing. Restrooms and sinks will also be designated to allow for physical distancing.

coronavirus safety at westpark fitness gym in tallaght

Please note that the many concessions at Westpark Fitness (such as the supplement shop and barbers etc.) will be operating their own COVID-19 safety protocols. Please contact them directly for any more information if you are looking to visit these concessions.